Monday, December 31, 2007

01/01/2008 - 2007, We Hardly Knew Ye

Happy New Year!!!

01/01/2008 - 2007, We Hardly Knew Ye

This time we just go over 2007's six best games, according mostly to ourselves, and somewhat to metacritic.

But either way, join us over at the forum!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

12/24/2007 - Happy Birthday, Megaman!

Justin and I waste your precious time with the blue bomber!

12/24/2007 - Happy Birthday, Megaman!

Also, I played a few SNES games to ramble about.

So discuss/complain/annoy at the forums!

Monday, December 17, 2007

12/17/2007 - Long Live Samus.

Josh and I discuss the intricacies of Samus Aran.

12/17/2007 - Long Live Samus.

Samus vs. Alucard

Now go discuss on the forum.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

12/10/2007 - There Are Flying Monkeys In Her Boobies.

This episode is about:

12/10/2007 - There Are Flying Monkeys In Her Boobies.

Tin Man and Guitar Hero 3

also, Justin's on a megaphone?

This was bad.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

12/01/2007 - My Name is Barbara Jackson, but you don't ever call me.

This episode is about:

12/01/2007 - My Name is Barbara Jackson, but you don't ever call me.

Office Software,
Politics (or Ron Paul-itics?), firings, and the state of advertising in the video game industry,
Comic Books, Vinyl, and Reality,
AMD vs. Intel now, and Ubuntu to boot.

Oh, and pizza.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

11/17/2007 - Diction doesn't mean British.

Justin does a terrible reading of a very old review, with varying accents.

11/17/2007 - Diction doesn't mean British.

This show is about:

Super Mario Galaxy

Tanuki Suits

Open Source Spotlight: Mouse Gestures

Reviews From The Crypt: Hitman 2

Talk it up!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

11/11/2007 - If it were outta five stars, I'd give it four and a half.

Casey and I talk.

11/11/2007 - If it were outta five stars, I'd give it four and a half.

This show is about:

Cyborgs and Macrame;

Firefox 3 Allllmost Beta 1 Chit-Chat;

Mindless Snezzing;


Super Mario Galaxy,

and Android, briefly.

Chat it up at the forums!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

11/04/2007 - Kevin the Video Game Communist.

11/04/2007 - Kevin the Video Game Communist.

This show is about:

Dave and Joel's Fast Karate For The Gentlemen, a tribute.

That Portal ending song we were going to end with last time and didn't!

Tech TV > G4

Awkward sex is best!

Super Mario Super Show!


Bizarre pornography ideas, and not much more.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Gnat Attack; Just like BDSM.

Josh never showed up!

Justin and I try to make up for it, of course.

10/21/07 - Gnat Attack; Just like BDSM

This show is about:

2Girls1Cup! It's horrible. She's icecream.

Mario Paint! Which brings up spankings.

I just ripped off Dave Riley's ( term "first person puzzle game" for Portal.

Masters of Monsters! Boring fun.

Don't pee in a storm!

Megaman box art!

And some bullshit.

Join the forums at!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Master Chief is Jesus!

Master Chief and Justin have something in common, they're both Jesus! Also, something about Amish folk from the 90's.

This is before there was any sort of direction ... or sound quality!

10/16/07 - Master Chief is Jesus!