Sunday, October 21, 2007

Gnat Attack; Just like BDSM.

Josh never showed up!

Justin and I try to make up for it, of course.

10/21/07 - Gnat Attack; Just like BDSM

This show is about:

2Girls1Cup! It's horrible. She's icecream.

Mario Paint! Which brings up spankings.

I just ripped off Dave Riley's ( term "first person puzzle game" for Portal.

Masters of Monsters! Boring fun.

Don't pee in a storm!

Megaman box art!

And some bullshit.

Join the forums at!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Master Chief is Jesus!

Master Chief and Justin have something in common, they're both Jesus! Also, something about Amish folk from the 90's.

This is before there was any sort of direction ... or sound quality!

10/16/07 - Master Chief is Jesus!