Thursday, April 10, 2008

04/10/2008 - Oh God I Hate Monkeys.

This episode features the same crazy sounding “ghost” standing behind me … I still don’t know what that shit is. Yeah, Justin is recording through the phone again. Sorry about that.

04/10/2008 - Oh God I Hate Monkeys.

Also called “The Donkey Kongcast Part 1″

You love it. I love it. I think Justin loves it. Donkey Kong kicks ass, even if you hate monkeys (and I really hate monkeys. I really do.). The whole argument at the beginning, about if it is wrong to use adblocker while praising google and friends, well, sucks to be you listening through that! Bahaha!

Music is of course from

Check out for alternate files!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

04/03/2008 - Two months have past ... and we have returned!!!

Well hello, everyone! Justin and I finally got some time and figured out a schedule we can actually work with, so the show has returned. Though ... we seem to have forgotten how to podcast. Also, that Darth Vader breathing in the background ... I'm not sure how that got there.

04/03/2008 - Two months have past ... and we have returned!!!

This time, we talk about Super Mario RPG ... somewhat!

For some reason, Boobies, Amish, Gay Pride, and some other weird shit come up. Also, Denny's has a sexy menu. And for some reason, Justin brings up my balls :(. Enjoy! And while you enjoy, discuss at the forum.

(that link Justin mentions near the beginning is
Music is of course from Great place.

One more thing! If you recognize that ending music as the intro music from Geeknights, that's because it is. It's Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars 'Booster Tarantino' by DJ Pretzel